Our wide range of expansion vessels for heating and solar systems have been developed with the aim of ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance of heating systems.

The expansion vessels for heating systems effectively copes with the expansion of the water volume caused by the increase in temperature in the circuit. This component protects the heating system from potentially dangerous pressure fluctuations.

The importance of the expansion tank becomes even more apparent during the start-up phase of the heating system, when the water is exposed to a significant increase in temperature. The expansion tank absorbs changes in water volume in a controlled and effective manner, helping to keep the pressure in the system within safe limits.

The products in the heating line are designed with the aim of ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance for heating systems. Varem expansion vessels, are quality solutions that ensure the safety and efficiency of your heating system. Discover our full range of expansion vessels for heating systems, for solar systems and for boilers.

(*) Current version, valid ONLY for models cat. I
For previous versions and for II, III, IV cat. models Declaration fo Conformity issued in the original in the product packaging.
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