See the most frequently asked questions below. FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

Here are two solutions for you:

  1. Check and adjust the precharge pressure;
  2. The gum must be used for a period of time before losing its characteristic odor.

Send the photo of the label for the certificate request to: varem@varem.com

If the value is higher than the maximum precharge of the vessel, our products are not suitable for the application.

Our pressure tanks are all produced in Italy with the exception of the Plusvarem 25bar.

No. Our Solarvarem range can withstand temperature peaks of 130 ° C (3-4 hours a day). Temperatures are also affected by the presence of glycol in the system.

Send to: vendite@varem.com more details about your country of origin and you will receive all the information you need.

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If you did not find the information you were looking for, write your request to varem@varem.com .
Our staff will take care to answer you as soon as possible.